Get Inspired!
Here are some ideas on how you can use our tools to create unifying and motivating experiences with your team.
👩🏻💻👨🏽💻👨🏻💻👩🏼💻👩🏾💻👩💻 REMOTE WORKING: All these options can be done remotely.
1. Place your Happy Moments Experience game in the center of the group on the table.
2. Invite everyone to take turns drawing a random question card at any moment during the whole time spent together. Either the person who drew the question answers, or each and every single member of the team around the table respond to the question drawn.
3. At the very end, invite everyone to share 1 to 2 elements that they will take away from this experience:
"How did this moment benefit you?"
"What did you discover about yourself, the others and the company?"
"Following the reflections and moment that we had together, what would be the initiative that we could implement or do differently at work that would have a positive impact for all of us?”
1. Simply use a video conference app (such as Zoom, Teams, Hangouts)!
2. One person will have the tools in hands and will be responsible of picking the challenge and questions cards.
3. You have 2 options:
a) Choose a team member and then draw a question card which he will have to answer and so on.
b) Invite all team members to answer one after the other to the question card drawn. As a leader, we suggest that you answer first.
4.The challenge cards can be achieved during your virtual meeting or you can read the challenge to all, create teams and ask that at the following meeting, they present the result (which will push them to communicate together and solidify their relations outside the meetings)
5. You will realize that the human connections created by Happy Moments are stronger than any WI-FI connection ;)
1. Draw a question card and display it in your work environment at a busy place (ex: the lunchroom) on a wall where you can write (ex: whiteboard, flipchart sheet or simply a wall with a post-it). REMOTE TEAM: simply take a picture of the card and send it by email to all your team members.
2. Divide your team into a duo (team of two) and each duo will be invited each Monday morning to discover the question of the week on the board and will have until the end of the week to discuss it together.
By the end of the week, they will have to respond to the board in writing and they will be signing their names. REMOTE TEAM: They will have to respond by email to the leader who will then share the results to all.
This encourages exchanges between colleagues and leads them to participate actively in the reflection and sharing on the objectives to elevate happiness at work, diversity and inclusion, etc.
3. You redo the activity every week.
You can also give a duo, at the end of each week, the chance to choose the question for the following week.
1. Every month or every week a member of management will be invited to randomly draw the name of an employee to offer him a "Happy Moments Coffee Together". The employee and he / she will meet in a friendly way around a coffee (or lunch) and they will bring with them one experience box. During this moment together, each one of them will pull a card one after in other.
2. The same concept can be done between colleagues, so two colleagues (for example from different departments) are drawn to have this privileged moment together.

1. Every month or every week a member of management will be invited to randomly draw the name of an employee to offer him a "Happy Moments Coffee Together".
The employee and the manager will meet in a friendly way around a coffee (or lunch) and they will bring with them one Happy Moments Experience game . During this moment together, each one of them will pull a card one after another.
2. The same concept can be done between colleagues, so two colleagues (for example from different departments) are drawn to have this privileged moment together.
1. Divide your team into small groups that will take place in different spots in the room.
2. Go around the tables and ask each small group to draw, for example, 1 or 2 questions that they will need to answer.
3. Give a limited time for each group to share their point of views on those questions.
4. Ask each group to write their answers (simply on paper or on flipchart) and when the time is up, each group is asked to stand up and share with the group the general outlines of the questions and answers they had.
5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 at will according to the time you have.
6. Choose 1, 2 or 3 team challenges written on the game challenge cards and allow time for each small group to complete the challenge and invite all teams or 1-2 volunteer teams to present the results of their challenge.

1. Draw a question card and display it in your work environment at a busy place (eg the lunchroom) on a wall where you can write (eg whiteboard, flipchart sheet or simply a wall with a post-it).
2. Divide your team into a duo (team of two) and each duo will be invited each Monday morning to discover the question of the week on the board and will have until the end of the week to discuss it together. By the end of the week, they will have to respond to the board in writing and they will be signing their names. This encourages exchanges between colleagues and leads them to participate actively in the reflection and sharing of happiness at work, team strengths, accomplishments, etc.
3. You redo the activity every week. You can also give a duo, at the end of each week, the chance to choose the question for the following week.
1. Divide your team into small groups that will take place in different spots in the room.
2. Go around the tables and ask each small group to draw, for example, 1 or 2 questions that they will need to answer.
3. Give a limited time for each group to share their point of views on those questions.
4. Ask each group to write their answers (simply on paper or on flipchart) and when the time is up, each group is asked to stand up and share with the group the general outlines of the questions and answers they had.
5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 at will according to the time you have.
6. Choose 1, 2 or 3 team challenges written on the game challenge cards and allow time for each small group to complete the challenge and invite all teams or 1-2 volunteer teams to present the results of their challenge.


Apple Podcasts - Culture Inc.
Sophie Brochu; the invited guest for the 1rst episode
Episode # 1: New Employees Onboarding Experience
"In this episode of Culture Inc, Mathieu Hétu meets Sophie Brochu, founder of Happy Moments, and they discuss best practices that can play a part in a new employee's arrival at a company. "
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